In Memoriam

Ernesto Carrasco Cruz

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Ernesto Carrasco Cruz

1945 - 2019

Esposo, Padre, Abuelo, Hermano, Tio, Amigo

Ernesto born in Chihuahua, Mexico was a hard working man for as long as he was able to work. He really never quit working because he was Mr. Grandpa Babysitter to a beautiful grand daughter in which he called his princess. And he was her King. And of course he took care of his 2 older grandsons when they were little. He leaves behind his Wife, Daughter, and 3 Grand Children. Also, his siblings, and friends. His character was amazing. Calm, funny, moody and of course we cant forget loving. He took care of many before taking care of himself. He may be gone, but never forgotten. WE LOVE YOU DAD!??

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